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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Achievements and Results



We are proud that our school was in the top 2% of schools in the country in the last Government Performance Tables (2019). 

In 2023 our school was in the top 10 of primary schools in Birmingham!

Year on Year our results improve and our pupils make excellent progress. 




To see details of our end of key stage results for 2023-24 click below on the link below.

Below is a summary of our results for 2023-2024



Progress 2023 -24

There are no progress figures for this year due to school closures in previous years due to COVID


What does this mean?

If a child is making the normal amount of progress each year then they would receive a progress figure of 0. If they were not making the expected progress then the figure might be -0.6 if it is only slightly behind or possibly -5 if they are even more behind expected. If they are making more than expected progress then the figure would be +0.5 for a little extra progress or higher if they are making more than that.


Our previous years progress figures tell us that pupils at Water Mill make progress well above that which is expected. Well done Water Mill!


Attainment 2023-24


% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading at the end of KS2 2023-24 88.9%

% of pupils reaching a high standard in Reading at the end of KS2 2023-24 33.3%

Average scaled score in Reading 107.6



% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing at the end of KS2 2023-24 85.2%

% of pupils reaching a high standard in Writing at the end of KS2 2023-24 14.8%



% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Maths at the end of KS2 2023-24 88.9%

% of pupils reaching a high standard in Maths at the end of KS2 2023-24 44.4%

Average scaled score in maths 107.3



% achieving the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and spelling at the end of KS2 2023-24 81.5%

% reaching a high standard in Grammar, Punctuation and spelling at the end of KS2 2022-23 44.4%

Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling at the end of KS2 2022-23 107.8

% of pupils that achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 74%

% of pupils reaching a high score in reading, writing and maths 11.1%



% achieving a good level of development 2023-24 76.7%



% Working at the required level 2023-24 93.3%



% Working at the required level 100%

Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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