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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Local History

Local History Project


Round and about Water Mill School in Selly Oak Birmingham. First created in 2011.


Water Mill is a school of around 200 pupils, built on the site of Harborne Reservoir and opened in 1973. The aerial photograph was taken about 2008 and shows the school building, the brook, the pond and part of Water Mill Close and Reservoir Rd. The map places the school in its surroundings and shows most of the places mentioned. The school has a long record of expertise in teaching both Arts and Science and has been engaged in major environmental and historical projects, some of which have been nationally recognised through awards and exhibitions.


This project is not intended as a guide to Selly Oak as it is today but is a pulling together of research and resource materials produced by teachers and children in the school over 35 years. It can be used to illustrate changes over time or as starting points for further study but is mainly intended to provide interesting information and ideas for children of primary school age and their families. It is not a definitive or scholarly history as most of the research has been undertaken as part of school topics but is an attempt to enthuse children about the area in which they live. The area is currently undergoing even more dramatic changes and so this project is still an ongoing piece of work to which future pupils and staff will be able to contribute.


The information is split into 5 main sections.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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