SEND Information Report
Water Mill Primary School
Schools offer for children and young people with SEND
Updated January 2024
At Water Mill we are meeting the needs of the children and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all children, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.
How do I speak to the SENDCo if I have a concern about my child?
My name is Mrs Hoye and I am the schools SENDCo. I am responsible for coordinating the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and for developing the school’s SEND Policy to ensure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school.
We ensure you are involved in your child’s learning and you are kept informed about the support your child is receiving, but if you have any concerns about your child’s progress please come and share these with us. If you wish to contact me I am usually available from Monday to Thursday. You can catch me in the playground before and after school, otherwise you can speak to the School Office to make an appointment. You can also email me on if necessary. We are a welcoming school and hold regular termly meetings with parents so that you can find out how your child is doing in school.
How will the SENDCo ensure the necessary people know about my child’s needs?
The SENDCo, Mrs Hoye, will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and worries. If your child has been identified with extra educational needs, an Individual Target Plan will be written by the class teacher and shared with you and your child. If your child has emotional or behavioural needs only, an Individual Behaviour Plan will be written with the teacher and shared with you and your child.
If your child has medical needs, either a ‘Care Plan’ or ‘Personal Alert Card’ will be written in conjunction with the school, the school Nurse and yourself.
All staff have access to a copy of these plans in the classroom. The plans identify how your child should be helped to succeed and make progress. All of these plans will be reviewed on a regular basis.
How will my child’s progress be reviewed and when will I be invited into school to discuss this? Will my child be able to give their views?
If your child is identified as not making adequate progress, we will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and will listen to any concerns you may have too. We will:
- Plan any additional support your child may need
- Discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning
- Your child’s progress will be continually monitored by his/her class teacher
- His/her progress is reviewed formally every half term and assessments are made in reading, writing and maths in order for the school to track children’s progress
- Each term, the teachers assess your child’s achievements against continuum criteria and this informs ITP targets that are reviewed at least termly
- If your child is in Year 1 and above, but is not yet working at National Curriculum levels, a more sensitive assessment tool is used which shows their level in more detail and will also show smaller but significant steps of progress. This is called 'The Engagement Model'.
- At the end of each Key Stage, Years 2 and 6, all children are required to be formally assessed using Standards Assessment Tasks/Tests (SATs). This is something the government requires all schools to do and is the results that are published nationally.
- Children who receive a high level of support in school will have an Individual Target Plan which will be reviewed by their class teacher every term and the plan for the next term made. Sometimes children don’t need an ITP any more because they have caught up with national benchmarks.
- Sometimes we involve outside professionals, such as Pupil and School Support Service, the Educational Psychology Service and the Communication and Autism Team to support us in making our assessments and these agencies offer further advice.
- The progress of children with an Education Health and Care plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education
If my child needs extra support, will I always be spoken to about this?
If school thinks your child needs extra support, we will always talk to you about this.
Your child’s teacher will talk to you about the progress that has been made each term at parent consultation meetings. We also operate an open door policy, and you can make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher or the SENDCo at any point during the year.
If your child has an Individual Target Plan (ITP), these will be reviewed regularly, at least termly.
If your child has more complex needs, then we will review your child’s progress and needs through an Annual Review. Depending on the context of these meetings, sometimes we invite the children to attend. This approach very much values the views of the child, the parents as well as the school’s.
Will information that needs to be shared, be made clear and easy to understand?
At Water Mill we will ensure we make all the information we need to share with you is clear and easy to understand. If you read our Inclusion Policy this explains how we identify and assess children who we think might have special educational needs.
Our governing body has a governor who is responsible for special educational needs. Her name is Sarah Ogunsina.
How will school work with me to identify my child’s needs?
We will work in partnership with you to identify the needs of your child and put in place the correct support, including family support if you need this.
The governing body has a duty to ensure that the school adheres to the Code of Practice under the Children and Families Act 2014, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the Equality Act 2010. This means that the school governors hold the Head teacher, Mrs Rudd and SENDCo, Mrs Hoye to account.
The governing body appoints a governor who is specifically responsible for special educational needs to ensure that the school and the SENDCo carry out their duties. This governor is Sarah Ogunsina. One of the key responsibilities of the governing body is to make sure that the school’s policy for children with special educational needs or disability (SEND) is published on the school website. The information on the school website must be reviewed annually by the governing body.
The governing body also has a responsibility to ensure that appropriate safeguarding procedures are in place for all pupils, including those who are SEND.
How will the SENDCo ask for my permission to involve other professionals to work with my child?
Once a need is identified, it may be appropriate to involve other qualified professionals to support your child. We will ask for your consent and will gain this in writing, as required by the outside professionals.
The governing body, through the SENDCo, ensures that other appropriate agencies are involved in meeting the needs of children with special educational needs. The school is committed to supporting children and young people with SEN and/or Disabilities and works alongside professionals at Access to Education to ensure best outcomes for this group. When other qualified professionals work with your child, permission is granted and the member of the outside agency is introduced. The content of the meetings is confidential and is only shared with parents and the Senior Leadership Team and, depending on the information, your child’s class teacher. Please speak to Mrs Hoye if you require any further information.
Sarah Ogunsina, the SEND governor, meets regularly with the SENDCo. The SENDCo reports regularly to the governing body regarding the number of pupils and their additional needs. The governing body regularly reviews both policy and the information published on the website to ensure it is up-to-date, parent and pupil friendly and in line with government policy and the Code of Practice.
How will I be involved in all decisions and have my views listened to?
We would like you to talk to your child’s class teacher regularly so we know how they are doing at home and we can tell you about how they are doing in school. We hope this will make sure that we are doing similar things to support your child both at home and school and can share what is working in both places.
Your child’s class teacher and/or Mrs Hoye (SENDCo) is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have. All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you and with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
Mrs Hoye will also arrange to meet with you to discuss any new assessments and ideas suggested by outside agencies for your child.
A home/school contact book may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
How will my child be involved in decisions about their learning?
If your child has an ITP, they will be involved in reviewing their progress against the targets. This happens termly.
We regularly hold pupil conversations to discuss what they have been learning in class and what they think their strengths and weaknesses are.
If your child has more complex needs, then we will review your child’s progress and needs through an Annual Review. Depending on the context of these meetings, sometimes we invite the children to attend. This approach very much values the views of the child, the parents as well as the school’s.
How will I be given support in contacting organisations who can give me advice and support?
We will be happy to give you contact details for organisations who can give advice and support for you and your child. The outside agencies we have access to are:
- Access to Education – Pupil and School Support
- Access to Education – Educational Psychology Service
- Access to Education – Communication and Autism Team
- Zoe Lynch – Attendance and Family Consultant
Available NHS services include:
- Pediatricians
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Disability Service – Victoria Outreach
- School Nurse
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Visual Impairment Service
Please speak to Mrs Hoye if you would like any other contact details.
What support will be put in place when my child moves classes and from/to a different setting?
We recognise that ‘moving on’ can be difficult for a child with SEND so we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
Arriving from a Nursery setting in to Reception:
- We will liaise with the SENDCo at the Nursery schools to find out as much information as possible about your child’s needs. This will include any targets and paperwork or agencies that are involved in supporting your child.
- We organise home visits in the July before your child starts with us (sometimes virtually) so we can meet your child/ren and so you can tell us about what they like, what they dislike and what support they may need in school.
- We have further individual parents meetings in September, before your child starts school, so you can update us on anything that may have changed since July.
- The children are also invited to transition days in the summer term before they start school and this includes reading sessions and a Teddy Bears' Picnic.
When moving classes in school:
- Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and in most cases, a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. All ITPs will be shared with the new teacher.
- If staff feel your child will be helped by a ‘Transition Book’, or similar, to support them moving on, then this will be made for them.
If your child is moving to another school:
- We will contact the schools SENDCo and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements of support that need to be made for your child.
- We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
In Year 6:
- Mrs Hoye will ensure that all information regarding your child’s special educational needs are passed on to the new SENDCo.
- Your child will do focused learning about aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead. This will sometimes be included in their ITP targets, if appropriate.
- Where possible, your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in some cases, staff from the new school will visit your child at Water Mill.
How will my school ensure that parents and children with additional needs are fully included in all school activities?
The school curriculum includes trips out to enrich the experiences children have. We will always try to make sure that children with additional needs and their families are able to take part fully in school trips and social events. Our risk assessments are inclusive of all children with reasonable adjustments and one to one adult support is provided, should this be required. Children with additional needs can also usually participate in after school clubs. You just have to apply! Parents are always consulted regarding specific needs, including those children with medical needs, so that all children have a safe and enjoyable experience.
All children participate in their class assemblies and other performances, such as musical performances.
When we have outside theatre companies in to perform, the additional needs of pupils are considered.
Whenever possible, all children join in, unless participation, especially around noise level, may cause the child unnecessary distress and anxiety. We will provide these children with alternative provision.
How will my school provide good teaching for my child and extra support when needed?
Water Mill School uses a range of strategies to monitor the progress of children and to ensure that good teaching is in place for all pupils. We provide good teaching for your child and extra support when needed. We do this through:
- Class teachers planning lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class, which will ensure that your child’s needs are met.
- Specially trained staff adapting the teachers planning to support the needs of your child where necessary.
- Specific resources and strategies being used to support your child individually and in groups.
- Planning and teaching being adapted on a daily basis if needed to meet your child’s learning needs.
- Classroom observations and learning walks, including monitoring the learning environment.
- Tracking your child’s progress and through termly pupil progress meetings with senior staff.
- Termly book scrutiny for all classes and constructive feedback to teachers.
How are staff trained to support the needs of my child?
All school staff receive appropriate training so they have the knowledge and confidence to support the children’s needs. At Water Mill we hold regular staff and teaching assistant meetings. These are used to ensure staff have up-to-date knowledge to teach children of all abilities. Sometimes training is run by specialists, for example: the NHS schools nurse runs Epipen training, or training by a member of the Communication and Autism Team.
At Water Mill we have a training plan for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children, including those with SEND. This includes whole school training on SEND issues such as Autism and Speech and Language difficulties.
Individual teachers and teaching assistants attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class or groups, for example: Communication and Autism Team.
How is work differentiated at the right level to make sure my child makes good progress?
Teaching and support staff will accurately assess the level children are working at and differentiate the curriculum accordingly.
We use a range of criteria and evidence to help us identify the level children are working at. This might include:
- Checking the words children can read and spell independently
- Moderating writing together
- Making observations
- Use of tests, termly
This helps teachers to plan work for all children to make progress. The work and support will be different for different groups of children. We use the following to support children with additional needs to become independent learners:
- Interventions
- One to one or group support
- Adapted tasks and resources
What types of learning resources are available for my child?
A range of resources are available in all learning areas to support learning for children operating at different levels. These are identified on children’s Individual Target Plans. Specific resources for some children are held in their classrooms. These include:
- In Key Stage One (KS1), the children have access to our 'Big Cat' group reading books, that match our systematic, synthetic phonics programme. Our 1/2 termly assessments ensure that the books selected match the child's reading level.
- In Key Stage Two (KS2), children who are still developing their skills in reading have access to our 'Oxford Reading Tree' and 'Project X' books that, following assessments, are matched to their level of reading.
- We have a range of Computing equipment including laptops, iPads and recording equipment to support children in recording their work in different ways across the school environment.
- Children are encouraged to talk with partners or in small groups to develop their ideas, reason and articulate before recording them.
- Positions of tables and chairs are always considered for children with physical, hearing or sight impairment.
What resources does the school offer if my child has significant social and or communication needs?
Where necessary, resources are available to support the learning of children who have significant social and/or communication needs.
We sometimes use visual timetables and/or now and next boards, mostly individual but sometimes whole class, so that children understand the routine of the day. This supports children who have difficulty with changes in routine.
We work closely with the Communication and Autism Team and members of the team visit to observe, assess and offer advice on ways to support children with autism.
What support is available if my child needs support with managing behaviour or dealing with social situations?
At Water Mill we provide support for children if they need support with managing their own behaviour and/or to build up skills and confidence in dealing with social situations.
We run social skills groups across the school to support children who can find social situations difficult.
We have sanctions and rewards, as set out in our Behaviour Policy to encourage children to make the right choices. This is consistent across the school.
It may be necessary for your child to have an Individual Behaviour Plan, to support their behavioural needs. This will be discussed with you and targets will be shared and reviewed regularly.