When Can I Contact Staff?
We welcome the chance to talk to parents whether it be to update us on a situation, offer support where needed, advise on ways to support your child’s learning or to talk about your child’s progress.
We have parents evenings each term to discuss progress and targets.
We provide a drop in session most Monday mornings between 9.10-9.30, please contact the office to ensure the teacher you wish to speak to is available.
If there are any issues that need to be addressed outside of these times the best time for most teachers is straight after school once the children have been safely dismissed, please phone the office to leave a message or check with individual teachers when they are available as some may have meetings or run clubs.
If you need to speak to the Head Teacher or Deputy please phone for an appointment or ask to leave a message and they will get back to you. They are sometimes available during the day and may be able to speak to you straight away but a phone call to check is always best.
Staff are not available first thing in the morning because they are teaching straight away. If a matter is urgent please ask to speak to the staff on duty in the playground or the school office.