End of Year 6 Expectations
By the end of Year 6 we expect the children:
- To be able to use joined up legible handwriting
- To spell words of three or more syllables
- To use capital letters, full stops and commas
- To express writing properly in sentences and use paragraphs effectively
- To use a wider range of punctuation and speech marks accurately
- To plan and sequence creative, descriptive writing and know and use formats
- To use adjectives and adverbs and figurative language eg simile, metaphor for formal writing (eg Explanations, Recounts, Instructions, Non-chronological Reports, Persuasion and Discussion)
- To read, understand and respond to complex texts of different genres
- To read aloud clearly and expressively
- To be reading a wide selection of literature at home and at school for pleasure
- To read books completely before moving on
- To give considered opinion concerning read texts, based on evidence where applicable
- To be able to spell key and polysyllabic words accurately and use in own writing
- To use ICT to support and develop knowledge
- To quickly recall times table facts to X12
- To be able to multiply numbers mentally using rounding and chunking strategies
- To know, use and spell a range of mathematical vocabulary
- To mentally calculate numbers to 2 or 3 digits
- To add, subtract, order and reduce fractions
- To mentally calculate fractions of whole numbers
- To be able to carry out long multiplication and division
- To have a sound knowledge of inverse operations
- To know how to calculate decimals to at least 2 decimal places
- To have experience of calculating using positive and negative numbers
- To be able to apply their number skills to a range of verbal and written problems
- To have a sound knowledge of shapes and their properties
- To be able to convert measurements
- To be able to measure and draw (including angles) accurately
- To be able to calculate lengths, widths, perimeters, areas and volumes
- To have a good understanding of symmetry (reflective and rotational)
- To calculate averages eg mean, median and mode
- To be able to construct, interpret and analyse a variety of graphs, tables, Venn diagrams
- To know how to convert amounts of fractions into percentages
- To use ICT to support and develop knowledge
- To be able to solve problems using money and time
- To be able to ask sensible questions and form conclusions, predictions and hypotheses
- To observe, describe and explain scientific phenomena
- To devise investigations
- To predict, plan, carry out and identify fair testing and know a range of scientific conventions
- To have a good knowledge of a range of scientific facts that cover AT 2, 3 and 4 (eg know the essential life processes of animals, know those common materials which dissolve, recognise and draw the elements of an electrical circuit)
- To use a wide range of scientific equipment and make a variety of appropriate, accurate measurements
- To know how to set out results appropriately
- To use ICT programs to support learning
General knowledge and skills
By the time children enter Year 6 we would hope that the majority of pupils will:
- Take responsibility for their behaviour and follow the school rules
- To be able to organise themselves so that they are ready for school
- To be good role models concerning behaviour
- To be independent thinkers and workers
- To be mature communicators
- To be able to take part in whole-class discussions
- To be self motivated
- To perform confidently in a test situation
- To have neat and well presented work in all subjects including homework
- To be able to reflect, evaluate and improve key skills in the core subjects
- To understand how to look after their bodies/themselves hygienically
- To be good attendees and timekeepers
- To be confident speakers and listeners
General information for parents
- The knowledge and skills set out above are a guide to help you understand what we are working towards by the end of Year 6.
- It is by no means an exhaustive list – the children will cover a wide and varied curriculum this year.
- Children learn at different levels and at different rates. Some children will exceed these expectations and some will still be working towards them by the end of Year 6. Teachers adapt the curriculum for individual needs.
- You will be invited to meetings and receive information every term which will give more detail about themes covered throughout the school year. This will help you to support your child as he/she learns.
- Teachers will be happy to talk to you about how you can support your child’s learning. You can use the ‘drop in’ sessions on a Monday morning or make an appointment by phoning the school.