PSHE, Relationships and Citizenship at Water Mill
Water Mill Primary School
Personal, Social, Economic and Health Education
(Incorporating Citizenship, Values, Relationships and Sex Education)
At Water Mill it is our intent for all pupils to be proud of what they have achieved, to be creative, independent learners and to be prepared for the future. We want all of our pupils to be ready to face new challenges and to be respectful, caring individuals who remember to do the right thing at all times. This includes tolerance and respect for those that may lead different lives, have different cultures or different beliefs and to recognise and understand school and British values.
We believe in helping our pupils to be confident individuals with the skills and attributes to be successful lifelong learners and active citizens of modern Britain.
At Water Mill Primary School we aim to develop the pupils understanding and skills so that they:
Develop confidence to make the most of their abilities, through recognising their own worth
Are able to share their own views but also understand and respect the views of others
Are prepared to play active roles as citizens in our diverse society
Develop healthy and safe lifestyles with the ability to take appropriate risk assessments
Develop good relationships and respect others
Make a positive contribution to the life of the school
At Water Mill these areas of the curriculum are taught through three main themes: ‘Relationships’, ‘Health, safety and wellbeing’ and ‘Living in the wider world’. Linked with Religious Education they form our Social Studies Curriculum which covers all aspects of spiritual, moral, social, emotional, economic and health education. (Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the sex education lessons taught through the ‘Relationships’ theme. See Relationships and Sex Education Policy)
Through lessons and activities the pupils are taught the skills and knowledge to enable them to develop positive attitudes and together with weekly ‘Skills Builder’ activities they learn how to be successful learners, confident individuals and caring citizens.
PSHE is an important part of school and class assemblies and is used to address issues as they arise; for example friendship breakdowns, rule breaking and news reports. Activities within this programme also help to eliminate ‘barriers to learning’ by teaching resilience, independence and self esteem.
PSHE builds upon the statutory content of the National Curriculum (especially the science and RSE curriculums) and follows guidance from the DFE, for example in relation to; health and safety, drugs education, safeguarding, citizenship and mental health.
PSHE is taught through discussion, debate, drama, role play and ‘circle time’ activities. Theme books are used when an activity involves writing. Health and wellbeing aspects are also taught within the PE and Science curriculum.
At Water Mill we have agreed the following areas to be the key concepts that will be taught through these areas of the curriculum:
| Their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these |
Relationships | Including different types and in different settings |
Health | Including physically, emotionally and socially (including within relationships, work-life, exercise and rest, and diet) |
Risk and safety | Identification, assessment and how to manage risk rather than simply the avoidance of risk for self and others. (including behaviour and strategies to employ in different settings) |
Diversity and equality | In all its forms |
Rights and responsibilities | Including the notion of universal human rights, consent, fairness and justice, and caring for the environment |
Change and resilience | As something to be managed. The skills, strategies and ‘inner resources’ we can draw on when faced with challenging change or circumstance. |
Power | How it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including persuasion, bullying, negotiation and ‘win-win’ outcomes |
Economic wellbeing | Including enterprise, employability, careers, spending and saving and economic understanding |
These concepts will be revisited throughout their time at Water Mill so that skills and knowledge can be embedded and explored in greater depth.
We believe that having a clear understanding of these concepts will enable pupils to be successful members of our school community and to be prepared for future learning and life in Modern Britain.
At Water Mill PSHE helps all children, no matter what their academic ability, background, beliefs or culture to develop as confident, caring individuals. As a result of these activities pupils:
Develop self esteem, good physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Build good relationships with others; demonstrating kind and caring attitudes.
Respect each other and value the knowledge they gain from working and playing with those in our diverse community.
Understand how to keep safe; from staying safe online to understanding the risks associated with drugs and alcohol.
Are critical consumers of information; able to identify misleading news or views on social media or elsewhere.
Are prepared for their future roles as parents, employees and citizens.
The skills and knowledge they gain through this programme help them to learn in all areas of the curriculum and ensure that our very diverse community is respectful, safe, happy and caring.