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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

School Improvement Planning

Every year we gather the views of all members of staff, governors, pupils and parents about what we need to improve to make our school even better. We do this through face to face meetings, consultations and surveys. We also use the results of assessments, lesson observations and a review of pupil books. We use research information and ideas from our joint work with other schools to develop new ideas and activities. All of this is put together into a 'School Self Evaluation Summary' and 'School Improvement Plan'.


Click on the link below to see a copy of this years Self Evaluation Summary.



Music Development Planning


The Department for Education has requested that all schools share a plan of how music is taught in school and plans for further development.

Please find below our plan for the development of music at Water Mill.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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