Acknowledgements and Final Notes
This guide to the area is made up of a collection of materials researched by the staff and children of Water Mill School since 1976 and most of the words are those of children of primary school age.
Many people have worked on it and we are grateful to all of them. A succession of teachers helped to add to the school archive over many years, including Roger Harris and Hugh Wilcock.
Especial thanks to the children in Yr. 6 in 2009 and 2010 and those in the Top Junior class in 1976 who will now be aged around 45!
Thanks too to Patrick Baird, until recently Head of Service, Archives and Heritage at B’ham Central Library, who assisted in researching the 1976 Trail and with the current project.
We appreciate all those people who gave photos, notes and other information many of which are now untraceable to the original donors.
Every reasonable effort has been made to trace the photographers/copyright holders of such materials.
Photographs of Selly Oak are reproduced with the permission of Birmingham Libraries and Archives Service.
Maps post 1960 are reproduced with the permission of the Ordnance Survey.
News article ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon’ reproduced by kind permission of Dr. C. Upton.
Other news articles reproduced by kind permission of B’ham Post and Mail Ltd.
The production of the latest stages of this project has been financed by and their help and patience has been greatly appreciated.
All involved hope that using this website will inspire local families to find out about, and learn to value, their local heritage.
Further information can be found at the B’ham Central Library.
Jenny Edginton
Formerly Head teacher at Water Mill School.