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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Drop off and Pick up

The staggered start and pick up is causing a little bit of difficulty and some concerns especially about the danger from cars driving down the close.

One of the main reasons for this is parents not arriving at the correct time to drop off/pick up their children. Times are as below:

Group Start time End Time
Reception 9.10am 3pm
Year 1 9.05am 3pm
Year 2 9.05am 3.10pm
Year 3 8.55am 3.10pm
Year 4 8.55am 3.20pm
Year 5 8.45am 3.20pm
Year 6 8.45am 3.30pm

We try to get the children into school as quickly as possible at the start of the day therefore we may let children in before these times but please stick to the agreed times and especially do not be late at the end of the day.

At the end of the day children should not play on the equipment in the playground if your child keeps playing on the equipment we will ask you to wait outside of the school.

Please remember the social distancing rules and keep a 2m distance from those not in your family bubble.

Please avoid driving down Water Mill Close. Where possible park on Reservoir Road.

Thank you for your cooperation


We will continue to review our procedures and will let you know if anything changes.





Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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