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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Latest on return to school news

You will probably have heard that the Government has changed its mind about other year groups returning to school before the summer break. They said that they will leave it to schools to decide if more come back. This is an interesting statement as I believe few schools will have space to have more children return.


At Water Mill we have 7 class rooms. If we follow the social distancing rule of 2m then we can only fit 10 children into a class room. Therefore the maximum number of children we can accept is 70 and that is assuming that all staff are available to teach.


We have roughly 200 children at Water Mill and would love for you all to be back at school, however until the social distancing rules change it will not be possible to have everyone back.


Schools were told to allow the children of key workers, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children back into school. We have done this and these children have settled back into school very well. We will continue to think of ways that we could have more children in school from other year groups but it is unlikely that this will happen before the summer break.


I wish that I could give you better news but I am sure that you understand that these are very difficult times for everyone. I will continue to keep you updated.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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