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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Parent Governors

We currently have two vacancies for parent governors. We will be advertising these and holding elections when everyone is back in school. However we thought we would let you know about it now so that you have time to think about nominating yourself for one of these. 

Governors are a very important part of the school team. They help to make decisions about how the school will progress and improve and ensure that senior leaders are spending school money in the best way possible and are focussing upon pupil progress.


You do not need any particular qualifications to be a governor. You just need to care about making sure that our children make the best possible progress and are happy and safe in school. You might have a particular skill you could bring to the governing board; for example you might work in the construction industry therefore can  offer advice about improving the school building, or you might have an understanding of HR or finance. 

The most important thing is that you have some spare time to attend about six meetings a year and to read the documents for each meeting. You would be made to feel very welcome and would receive some training.


Please consider putting your name forward when the nomination forms are sent out.


Our Chair of Governors, Ninna Makrinov, and our current Parent Governor, Sarah Ogunsina, are both happy for you to contact them if you would like further information. Their contact details are in the governors section of our website.

Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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