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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Rebuilding our Community Charity Week

As a school, we believe we have a responsibility to contribute to our wider community as well as inspiring our children to be ‘Active Citizens’. In light of Covid 19, this is needed more now than ever. 

Throughout this term, we will be running a project called ‘Rebuilding our Community’ where children across the school will fundraise for a local charity, develop their understanding of how to have a positive impact in a community and then complete ‘Acts of Kindness’ to improve the lives of those around us. 

For example, Year 6 are getting a little excited and possibly over-ambitious. Their class charity will be ‘The Birmingham Children’s Hospital’. They plan to record and release a charity single! 

They will also be carrying out a range of community service type acts, from singing the song outside the local care home to brighten the residents’ day (Covid restrictions dependant) to offering to clear local residents’ front gardens, they will be exploring the local environment and completing work around how our local community could be improved. 

At the opposite end of the school the children in Reception have chosen the RSPCA for their charity. They are going to raise money through a sponsored obstacle race and are asking for donations to a pet food bank. They are going to be making and selling pet treats and will be taking part in a community litter pick. 

As we are a partner school with Aston Villa they have promised to donate rewards for the children and class that raise the most money. We have also had promises of donations from other local businesses. 

At the heart of this project is our desire to help ‘rebuild’ our children after Covid, too. We have a systematic plan of skill development that is tailored to the needs we feel have developed over the lockdowns. These real-life, practical experiences give us the chance to put fun at the heart of our Covid Recovery Plan. 

We would really value your support with this event so that we can raise lots of money for the charities chosen by the children. 


Our Just Giving link is:



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Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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