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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible


Just a quick reminder that our texting service will end in March. After that we will contact you either through the School App or via email. Can you please make sure you have downloaded and registered with 'School App' and that we have a current email so that we can contact you.

Next week we will be sending home brief reports for you to read about how your child is managing with their learning during this difficult time. I am amazed at how brilliant you have all been with getting to grips with home learning whilst still managing to do everything else that you would normally be doing, well done! Give yourselves a pat on the back and celebrate your success.


We have a few events coming up, I have updated the calendar so that you can see what they all are.


Next week is Safer Internet Day and Chinese New Year. Teachers will be planning activities relating to these and on Friday for Chinese New Year we would like you all to send in something related to this special celebration. You could send a photograph of yourself in costume, a painting or a piece of poetry or writing. In school we will make sure that we complete the Dragon Dance so that we chase out any bad luck and welcome in the good. You could do your own Dragon Dance at home. Perhaps we can all chase away Covid so that everyone can return to school!!!


A reminder that school is closed for the half term 15th - 19th February. There will be no live online sessions that week.

Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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