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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Reopening School Latest Information

I am sure that many of you will be wondering about what is happening with regard to school reopening and will also have concerns about the safety of your children if we do open.

The reason that I have not shared any plans with you as yet is because we are carefully reading through all the documents we have been sent about reopening and are considering what that means for our school.

Since the announcement by the Prime Minister that schools might reopen for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 1st June I have received over 30 different documents, emails and messages each giving details which are at times confusing and sometimes contradictory. It is important that careful thought is given so that we can meet the requirements set out by the government and at the same time make sure that the school will be as safe an environment as possible for pupils, staff and families. I do not think we should rush this as doing so could risk this safety.

Some of the things we have done/are doing are:

  • Measured classrooms to see how many we believe we can safely have in and keep the 2m distancing rule
  • Ordered PPE, cleaning and sanitising materials
  • Considered each aspect of your children coming to school and being in school for potential safety issues. Making sure that any issues have a potential solution.
  • Started to think about timetables and activities for the children to do when they are in school.
  • Continued with planning activities for those children not in school to complete at home.
  • Had virtual meetings with other schools and the local education authority to share ideas and concerns. 

On Monday staff will be calling all Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 parents to ask if they will be returning their child to school if we reopen. It is important that you think about this and make a decision. The government has said all children should stay in the same small group and not mix with other children therefore we may not be able to admit children later if you change your mind. It is your choice if you want to send your child to school. You will not be fined if you do not send them at this time. If you are concerned and want to keep them at home that is your right and we will continue to send out home learning packs/information for those at home to complete.

The government has said that if we have more children wanting to come than we can safely accommodate in school then we should prioritise Reception and Year 1. Once we have an idea of the numbers returning we will be able to let you know if we will have to do this.

On Tuesday I am meeting with all school staff to go through all concerns and to make sure that we are all sure that whatever we choose to do will be as safe as possible for them, our pupils and families.

I am sorry that I can't answer all of your questions at this time. I will give further information on Tuesday afternoon once all of our consultations have taken place. In the mean time if you have questions or concerns you can email them to me at head@watermill.bham.sch.uk


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Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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