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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

School Closures

Teaching staff are currently contacting parents of children who meet the criteria for attending school so that they can start tomorrow, Wednesday. This means key worker and vulnerable pupils. ( A full list of these is on the government website)


All home learning will start on Thursday. We will be sending home information about home learning tomorrow, including passwords to access the online learning sites. We will contact parents of those without internet access to let you know how you can access paper versions of the work that is being set tomorrow.


To date we have had no further information from the government about their requirements for the lockdown school closures. We are therefore planning based upon what we have been doing so far and the risk assessments that we already have in place.


I will update you all tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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