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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Schools opening FAQ's

Can I meet with a member of staff?

We want to keep meetings with people not from our school to a minimum therefore only urgent meetings will be held. The school office will only be open for emergency visits or prearranged meetings so if you need to talk to a member of staff then please ring or email. Contact details are on the website.
What happens if my child is ill?

If your child is ill at home then you should keep your child at home until they are better or for the time specified in our Infection Control Policy (see COVID-19 page). If they are ill in school we will contact you to collect them and keep them at home for the period specified in the policy. If Covid is suspected they must be taken for a test and then guidance followed as per the result.
A member of my household is shielding. Should I send my child to school?

We advise you to read information on the NHS website for advice in relation to those shielding. All children are expected to return in September.

My child is classed as vulnerable. Can he come to school?

As with the above question, check the NHS website but again the school must be told so that we are aware of this. All children are expected to return in September.

Will breakfast and after school club be open?

Yes. These will be held in the school hall so that year groups can be kept apart.

Will all year groups be coming back?

Yes, all year groups will be back in school.

Will my child be able to have a school dinner?

Yes. These will be free for children entitled to a free school meal and for all children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 1. You can choose to send in a packed lunch. You can check online to see if your child is entitled to a free school meal.

Will I still receive vouchers if I am entitled to them?

Vouchers are no longer being issued.

Will I be fined if I do not send my child to school?

It is possible that you will be fined if you do not send your child to school. This will depend upon the circumstances of the absence.

Will you still be sending out home learning packs?

If a child or class has to isolate then we will send home learning packs.

What if a child or member of staff in school is ill?

If a child in school is ill with suspected COVID 19 they will be isolated and parents called to take them home. If COVID is confirmed then all of the children and adults in that group will be asked to isolate for 14 days. The same applies for staff.

For any other illness the normal infection control will apply.

Will my child wear PPE or a face mask?

No. We are not asking children to wear a face mask as it would be unsafe for them to do so. Some staff might wear face masks. 

Has the school completed a risk assessment about pupils coming back to school?

Yes we have completed the Birmingham City Council risk assessment and our own. We have also updated health & safety policies.

Can you guarantee that my children will be safe and will not catch COVID 19 if they come back to school?

We have put measures in place to ensure that, as far as possible, pupils, staff and their families will be safe; however we can not guarantee this.

Can my child bring in their own pencil case and equipment?

Yes, however they will not need to do this as all equipment will be provided.

Does my child have to wear school uniform when they come back?

Yes. We request that all children wear correct uniform as per our prospectus.

Will my child be going swimming?

No. We have cancelled swimming for the term until we are sure that it is safe for them to go.

Will my child be doing PE?

Yes. PE lessons will happen as per timetables, any shared resources will be cleaned between use.

Will my children have homework?

Yes. Homework will be given each week and reading books will come home.

Will school clubs be happening?

At this moment we have booked football club to continue. We will let you know if any other clubs will be happening in September.

If I have any questions who do I contact?

You can contact the school office by telephone (0121 464 7769) or email (enquiry@watermill.bham.sch.uk) or speak to any senior leader in the playground.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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