Schools reopening latest news
Having reviewed all of the current guidance I am now in a position to give more information about a possible reopening.
Prior to reopening for more children we have to very carefully assess all the possible risks and put procedures in place so that we are making sure that these risks are as low as possible and prepare.
Birmingham Education Authority has produced a document to help us to assess these risks and we are in the process of completing it. Staff have also been preparing the building and classrooms so that they will be safe as possible for your children. This is all taking time and is not yet finished.
The order we placed for PPE and sanitising equipment several weeks ago has not yet arrived, probably because everyone is trying to order the same things!
We also will not know until 28th May what the governments final decision is about reopening. I have spoken with other headteachers in the area and they are all in the same position and we all agree that with all of these issues it will not be possible to open to Years Reception, 1 and 6 on 1st June.
Instead we are looking to open on 8th June. We will have a staggered start with Reception in on 8th, Reception and Year 1 on 9th and then Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from the 10th onwards.
Start and end times for the day will also be staggered with Year 1 arriving at 8.45am, Reception arriving at 9am and Year 6 at 9.15am. Year 1 will finish at 3pm, Reception at 3.15pm and Year 6 at 3.30pm.
Key worker and vulnerable pupils are not affected by this they will continue to attend as before and can attend school week beginning 1st June.
So that we can make sure that the school is thoroughly cleaned each week and prepare for the following week we are considering temporarily closing the school early on each Friday to all pupils including those of key workers. (more details about this will be sent home once it has been agreed with governors).
It is possible that all of this will change again after 28th May if government guidelines change but I will keep you informed as quickly as possible if it does.
I am sorry that these changes have been necessary and hope that you understand that what we are doing is for the safety of pupils, staff and families.
Further information will be sent out as soon as it is available.