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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

September return

As you have heard from the news all children will be returning to school in September. The government has produced new guidelines which we received yesterday and we are currently reading through all of these to see how this will affect the children and the curriculum. Below are some of the main points of the guidelines:

  • All children will be expected to return and parents may be fined if their child does not return
  • There will be no social distancing between children in a class group
  • Each class will be kept separate from each other as far as possible
  • There will be staggered start, break and end times so that the children do not mix
  • Each class will have a separate area of the playground in which to play
  • There will be no overnight visits allowed during the autumn term
  • Breakfast and after school clubs can operate however where possible year groups should be kept apart
  • There will be no swimming lessons during the autumn term
  • Resources can be shared within a class group but if another class needs to use them they must be cleaned
  • The focus of the curriculum should be to make sure the children make up for the time lost and that any gaps in learning are covered
  • School meals will be as normal but in class groups in the hall
  • No whole school meetings; e.g. assemblies, parents meetings, workshops
  • Parents asked to not come into the school building unless it is an emergency. Only one parent to bring a child to school
  • The children must wear school uniform. Please make sure it is named so that it can be returned to your child if it gets lost. There will not be a lost property box until further notice.
  • If there is a confirmed case of Covid in school then that class will be told to isolate at home. If there is more than one case then the school may have to close for a short period to allow deep cleaning and for staff and pupils to isolate.

These apply to the autumn term, with new guidance being released later to cover the spring and summer terms.


We will publish further information on here about specific details, such as start and end times, as soon as we have sorted timetables


It will be lovely to see everyone back again, you have all been missed.


For information the school will open on Wednesday 2nd September for all children in Years 1 - 6. Reception will have the usual staggered start and further information about this will be sent out to Reception parents.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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