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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Summer Holidays and September

There has been much talk in the media about what is happening in schools over the summer break and in September. So far schools have not been told very much about all this and we only know what you will have heard.

At this moment in time there are no plans to open the school over the summer break. Birmingham Education department is looking at a few options for summer holiday schemes with a variety of providers. As soon as we have any information about any of these we will let you know, however it is very likely that you would have to pay to use one of these. We will continue to set work for the children to do at home over this period.

The government has said that all children will be back in school in September. We are really pleased about this and can't wait to welcome everyone back. The government has said that children will not have to follow any social distancing in schools within their class groups. However they have also said that the groups should be kept apart and not mix. We are waiting for further guidance about this as it will be very difficult to keep groups apart and have a normal school day. Once again as soon as we have further guidance we will let you know.

The children who have been in school this week have been having a wonderful time and we know from phone calls many of you are working really hard at home helping your children with their home learning packs. Well done everyone. We look forward to seeing everyone again on our transition day.


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Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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