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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Water Mill school app

We have now set up our new school app and we can see that many of you have already downloaded it. Through the app you will receive instant updates, diary dates and important messages. Eventually this will replace our current text system which has been useful but is limited to only a few words. The new app will let us send longer messages and the email system will let us send attachments. 
We would also like to become eco friendly and only have paperless communication in the future so please download the app so that we can keep in touch with you.
If you have not received an email from us about the new app or an invitation to download our app then please let us know as we might not have your correct details. (The email will be sent through our website ‘Primary Site’) The invitation has only been sent to your child’s primary or first contact. If you would like someone else to have access then please let us know.

Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
View Us On Google Maps