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Water Mill

Primary School

Anything is possible

Welcome Back Everyone

Welcome Back Everyone

It was lovely to see all the smiling faces of our children this morning. There has been a wonderful buzz in school this morning, with lots of excited children. We have also welcomed some new children to school today.


Thank you to parents for everything you have done over the last few months and to staff for their hard work. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that we will be back to normal now and that there will be no future closures.


There have been one or two changes in our staff over the last few months. Miss Linden has started her maternity leave therefore Mrs Hoye and a new teacher called Mrs Abbatt Walker will be teaching in Year 2. Mr Murphy has left the school and we will have a new site manager starting in April called Mr Blythe. Mrs McHale, who was on maternity leave, has decide she wants to stay at home with her children so will not be returning as expected. Her Friday in Year 4 is being covered by Miss South at the moment and will be covered by Miss James in April.


If you have any questions about any of the above please get in touch through the school office.


Contact Us

Water Mill Primary School Water Mill Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6TS
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